
Error 403

This bucket cannot be viewed

You are not authorized to view this bucket

This bucket does not exist or is not publicly accessible at this URL. Check the URL of the bucket that you’re looking for or contact the owner to enable Public access.

Learn how to enable Public Access


What Services We Provide

We hire talented individuals possessing varied skill set for suitable roles.

Permanent Staffing Permanent staffing assignments will refer to such jobs, when you on behalf of your company will look to hire human resource on a permanent payroll basis.
Contract Staffing Contract staffing will essentially involve recruiting of human resources on temporary contract basis, while the hiring company may make them as full time employees too.
Recruitment Outsourcing Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) involves a part of the recruitment process which will be transferred by the employer to an external service provider.
Corporate Training Having a team of experienced and certified corporate trainers, we do provide various corporate training solutions like product training, process training, soft skills training etc.

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